Electronic Junk
India, Life, PondicherryAditi Kulkarnielectronic, found, India, junk, Life, market, Pondicherry, street, waste
The View from Ajanta
The Forgotten Mini-Bus
India, Life, Photography, Pondicherry, UncategorizedAditi Kulkarniabandoned, exploration, India, Life, Photography, Pondicherry, urban, vehicle, wasteland
The North-West Monsoon Madness
India, Life, Photography, PondicherryAditi KulkarniIndia, monsoon, Photography, Pondicherry, rain, sky, weather
Colourful Graveyard: Photo Essay
India, Life, Photography, Pondicherry, TravelAditi Kulkarnicolor, colourful, cross, decoration, french, graphic, grave, graveyard, local, Pondicherry
Found Art: Entrance/Door
Design, Graphic Design, Photography, Pondicherry, TravelAditi Kulkarniarchitecture, art, commercialism, conflict, Design, India, Photography, Pondicherry, Travel
Tamil and French Fusion Architecture
Design, India, Life, Photography, Pondicherry, TravelAditi Kulkarniarchitecture, colonial, culture, Design, french, fusion, Life, Photography, Pondicherry, tamil, Travel