UX Principles - Is it all just fluff
speaker at ux+ conference manila 2023 (philippines)
Spoke to an energised room of 2000+ UX designers in Manila, Philippines at UX+ Conference about a super nerdy topic - UX principles.
Bridging culture in design
inside shopify ux podcast 2023 (youtube)
Host and UX Director Lola Oyelayo-Pearson speaks to Aditi Kulkarni and Farai Madzima about designing for different cultures, and why designers need to evolve the idea of good design beyond a Western-centric point of view
Navigating cultural complexity in a remote world
speaker at design matters 2022 (tokyo)
I had the rare privilege to represent Shopify and speak at Design Matters Tokyo 2022 to a massive audience of 500+ people from Japan, APAC & Europe
Is your design team ready for radical change?
Speaker at UXDX APAC 2021 (Australia, remote)
Is your design team ready for radical change? My talk at UXDX covered critical topics facing people managers and design leaders during Covid times
Decisions beyond design
speaker at audiogyan design podcast 2021 (India, remote)
'Where are the designers?' is an Audiogyan series that features the top 12 influential Design leaders wherein they talk about their process of hiring, challenges in finding and retaining talent and some tips and tricks for young designers
Designing for E-commerce during a pandemic
speaker at ixda singapore 2020 (remote)
With the ongoing pandemic situation and many people staying at home, Ecommerce transactions has grown tremendously over the last 6 months. This exponential growth doesn't stop at just people buying things online but also people setting up their own online shop and started selling online.
Remote design in radical uncertainty
speaker at design sprint singapore 2020 (remote)
AMA at national design center 2019 (singapore)
I did my first AMA (Ask Me Anything) format at the National Design Centre, organized by UXSG and learned so much! Discussions were super interesting and we covered everything from design metrics, design research, leadership and even what kinds of bosses I’ve had in the past
The Tubelight - How I learned things years after they were taught to me
speaker at ixda education summit 2018 (france)
It’s not AI - Designing for automated conversations
speaker at UXSEA summit 2018 (singapore)
I feel like the quality of questions is a pretty good indicator of how your talk did with an audience. I got lucky with an excellent crowd and a mix of designers from Singapore, Malaysia, Philippines, Indonesia and India. If you're curious about my talk, check out this medium article that summarises most of my points: It’s not AI: Designing for automated conversations
Design metrics for better design decisions
speaker at tech in asia 2017 (Singapore)
Design metrics for better design decisions is a summary of my talk
speaker at glasgow school of art 2016 (singapore)
Supercharging design for SaaS
speaker at designup 2016 (bangalore)
Aditi Kulkarni - Ex VP of Design Postman talks about her experience of working for SaaS products. How do make most out of working on seemingly invisible products that need as much attention and detailing as consumer products? Aditi has the answers, at Design Up 2016