Sequoia::Hack 2016
Super exciting to be part of the hackathon as a judge and mentor for the second year in a row. More than 5500 people applied this year to participate, and it was an amazing turnout. Inspiring to see so many teams come together to build something awesome in 24 hrs. And it is always a learning experience mentoring teams as they develop an idea into realization in a frantic rush to the finish line.
The "Slightly Mad" team talks to me about their foot scanner concept. Loved their design process and teamwork!
By Day #2 everyone was sleep deprived, intense and focussed and the space started to reflect it :)
Only an hour left until judging begins...
It was a bit disappointing to see an all-male judging panel for the main development track in Seq Hack, but hopefully things will improve next year.
The day after the hackathon, there was terrible violence due to the Cauvery river water conflict. It was sad to see this especially just one day after the hackathon where so many futuristic concepts were shared, discussed and built. While a team in the hackathon won for building a robot that can help diagnose your illness, the streets the next day fought over water shortage, communal differences and drought issues.